Wilco -- A Ghost Is Born
April 16, 2004 2:10 PM   Subscribe

Wilco -- A Ghost is Born Forget SoulSeek or Limewire, stream the new Wilco longplayer right from the source. [Previously discussed here]
posted by Old Man Wilson (16 comments total)
In other strange news : Nels Cline is playing guitar for Wilco on the tour for this album! Insane! Nels Cline is the shit!!!
posted by Satapher at 2:12 PM on April 16, 2004 [1 favorite]

"At least that's what you said" has the best guitar solo since, I don't know, something on "Where you been?"
posted by mr.marx at 2:47 PM on April 16, 2004 [1 favorite]

good stuff. thanks for the post, OMW, Jeff Tweedy is so cool. hope he gets out of rehab fast. I was supposed to see Wilco in Indio next month but I won't be able to make it. listening to "Ghost" now is almost as good
posted by matteo at 2:50 PM on April 16, 2004

Wilco has canceled out of Coachella because of the aforementioned rehab stint.
posted by trbrts at 2:56 PM on April 16, 2004

dang that's some sweet, sweet music.

thanks for the link, mr. wilson.
posted by _sirmissalot_ at 3:17 PM on April 16, 2004

I'd like to second the Nels Cline is the shit!!! comment. Check him out at www.nelscline.com. He's a regular in the Bay Area music scene (among others I'm sure, but that's where I know him from).
posted by stoic at 3:32 PM on April 16, 2004

trbrts: But, they have, however, scheduled about two dozen more show for Europe...

Fingers crossed that the Nova is next on the list... I just know the Metro Centre's just crying out for some hot Wilco action!
posted by Old Man Wilson at 3:47 PM on April 16, 2004

Wilco has canceled out of Coachella because of the aforementioned rehab stint.
well, between you and me -- actually it's because when I called Jeff to tell him I couldn't be there he just said, fuck Coachella then, I'm entering rehab
posted by matteo at 3:47 PM on April 16, 2004

Nels Cline is amazing. Haven't heard the Wilco stuff yet, but Cline's work is always challenging and fun. His work on the Henry Kaiser/Wadada Leo Smith Yo! Miles is great. Very sophisticated covers of electric Miles.
posted by anathema at 3:51 PM on April 16, 2004

I snagged Coachella tickets two weeks ago, and Jeff Tweedy has to go Rush Limbaugh on me...

No chance in any of the the Pixies ending up in rehab, right?
posted by herc at 7:24 PM on April 16, 2004

the best guitar solo since

since "i heard her call my name"
posted by Satapher at 7:49 PM on April 16, 2004

I have said this before, this album is excellent. Better than "Yankee Hotel," though I predict it will be a lot less popular.
posted by Quartermass at 9:08 PM on April 16, 2004

I've enjoyed each Wilco record as they've come out, and found them all very listenable, but I've never really been able to shake the sense that there was something weak at the core of the songs. They've always sounded like a backup band with personality--like a band that has a genuine spark, but at the same time have nothing really to say. This record seems to have more depth to it than their previous releases had-- YHF included. It'll be interesting to see how well it holds up after repeated listenings.
posted by m'die at 9:32 PM on April 16, 2004

thanks for the link, Old Man Wilson
posted by troutfishing at 6:43 AM on April 17, 2004

anathema: There's a new Yo Miles! album coming out in a month. No Cline, though. I think there's a new Nels Cline Singers album due out soon.
posted by kenko at 10:39 AM on April 17, 2004

it gets better every day.
posted by methree at 5:02 PM on April 17, 2004

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